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Sulphuric acid

Sulphuric acid

Sulphuric acid is a highly corrosive strong mineral acid with the molecular formula H2SO4 and molecular weight 98.079 g/mol. It is a pungent-ethereal, colorless to slightly yellow viscous liquid that is soluble in water at all concentrations. Sometimes, it is dyed dark brown during production to alert people to its hazards

Its corrosiveness on other materials, like metals, living tissues or even stones, can be mainly ascribed to its strong acidic nature and, if concentrated, strong dehydrating and oxidizing properties.

Sulfuric acid has a wide range of applications including in domestic acidic drain cleaners,[9] as an electrolyte in lead-acid batteries and in various cleaning agents. It is also a central substance in the chemical industry. Principal uses include mineral processing, fertilizer manufacturing, oil refining, wastewater processing, and chemical synthesis. It is widely produced with different methods, such as contact process, wet sulfuric acid process, lead chamber process and some other methods.

Uses in refining

Removing lead in solution - When dissolving gold in aqua regia any lead will also dissolve. Some of the lead chloride will dissolve and follow the gold chloride through filters. If some sulfuric acid is added to the gold chloride the lead will form unsoluble lead sulfate and precipitate. It can be filtered off from the gold chloride and leave the gold virtually lead free. Traces of lead in gold will make it brittle and impossible to work with.

It will also make it easier to denox the solution by evaporation.

Making copperas for precipitating gold - Copperas is used to precipitate gold from gold chloride. It is easy to make from soft iron and sulfuric acid.

Inquarting gold with silver - If gold is inquarted with silver, the silver can be removed with hot sulfuric acid as long as the copper level is under 10%.

Reverse plating cell - An electrical cell with concentrated sulfuric acid (>90%) as electrolyte can dissolve gold from base metals without attacking the base metal. The gold is recovered as a black sludge at the end of the run.

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